Friday, September 14, 2012


What a week.... have spent most of the week off work with a reoccurrence of the flu.  Had my first day back at work this week, and the last for the week, as we are now enjoying the weekend.  Yes.  I missed my nanna nap this afternoon.  I was feeling pretty exhausted by lunch time.  I think a very quiet weekend is in order for me this weekend.
We are experiencing beautiful weather here at the moment.  I have been really appreciating the colour blue... 

Perfect Spring day
How I love to see the blue of the sky.  My favourite colour. 
The Puffiness of the clouds -  what spendour....
I so appreciate that I we have been created to see the vibrant colours around us. 
Even though our yard is a mess and looks like this at the moment
Overgrown by weeds
and junk laying around
We have been too sick, or away and now exam time to do too much in our yard this term.  Somehow we will have to find time next term to get it under control before summer.  Although with the longer days we might be able to find a few more hours in our day.

The mess hasn't stopped we wandering around our garden and appreciating this....
May flowers out in bloom
Flowering grevillia's
Vibrant red bottlebrush
Flowering weeds but oh so pretty.
Sweet basil - oh the fragrance.
The vibrant orange of the Southern Cross Orchid
The delicate pinks
The bird life.....
Our garden is full of these feathered friends -  not so enjoyable at the crack of dawn. 
I am so appreciative this week of the wonderful way we have been created.  Of our senses,  to see, to hear, to smell, to touch and to taste....   Sometimes we are so consumed with the ugliness around us that we forget to go looking for the beauty that surrounds us each and every day.

Thank you Heavenly Father for your creation,  for the vibrance of colour and sight and sound.  Help me each day to appreciate your goodness to us and to look for the beauty in those around us as well as your creation.

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