Saturday, September 15, 2012


I have been very spoilt today.  My wonderful husband saw an add on TV last night and thought he would go shopping today and surprise me. 

This is what he bought home.... for no other reason than he loves me....


 To say I was surprised was an understatement.   I used to always have one of these but it died a few years ago now, and I haven't really done much sewing in the last few years.  This one is a lot more flash than my old one and I love it. 
My brand new overlocker. 
  Tonight I have been busy doing this ....
Sewing up a storm
One a mission to make some more Hooter Hiders.
It means I not only get to play with my new overlocker but also my new sewing machine which I absolutely love.  I think Steve thinks that with a new grandchild on the way,  I  will want to sew again, and he is sure right there. 

Then to do all the rolled hems on my new overlocker....
Production line...... all the rolled hems
4 on the go at once 
Last night I played with paper.  Sarah's Baby Shower invites went out with a card for people to share some wise words with her re parenthood.    I have made a little booklet cover to keep all these together for Sarah.   I'm quite happy with the way it turned out.
For Saran's Baby Shower. 

Sarah and Colin are now proud house owners.... they have spent the day at their new place having it all painted.... Can't wait to see it... Only a week or so to go .


Melanie H September 20, 2012 at 9:28 AM  

Lucky you Karen, Im sure you wil be doing lots of sweing for bub.

Love the idea of the "wise words" booklet.

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