Sunday, September 16, 2012


I have been busy today.  I found this pattern for making a Hooter Hider here, and decided that I wanted to tiss mine up a little so used this as the basic pattern and then added some frills and ruffles to mine.  I friend suggested an inside pocket, so I might investigate that one on the next ones I make.

I have had a ball using my new sewing machine ( which I got for Christmas and haven't had a chance to use much this year) and my new overlocker that I got yesterday.  So good to be back into sewing again.  Have a few little projects I want to tackle now. 

Here's my efforts from this afternoon....

Hooter Hiders -  so easy to make. 
The pattern was plan but I added this
A ruffle across the boning.
And then I added this
A frill across the bottom
Just helps to make it a little more feminine.... I mean it doesn't matter whether you have a girl or a boy.  These are really for the mums anyway. 

The first lot of these I made, I also made a couple of matching burper clothes, and then put them all in a little draw string bag with a ruffle on it too.    Will starting making those tomorrow night... So much to do before we go away next week.


hooter hider September 18, 2012 at 5:51 PM  

My cousin is using the hooter hider. She has 2 kids and was saying that hooter hider is by far the good quality, most comfortable, convenient and flexible for traveling.

Nat September 19, 2012 at 12:45 PM  

They are GORGEOUS Karen - love the ruffles!! Might have to get myself some boning so I can make a couple.

lusi September 20, 2012 at 7:36 AM  

I've been making reversible nursing covers for a while but I don't think I've seen any this gorgeous! Love those ruffles Karen!!! Love to you guys (I'll have to find someway to subscribe to your blog posts because I'm terrible in remembering to check!!)
Love lus x

Melanie H September 20, 2012 at 9:26 AM  

Gorgeous creations Karen, I love the ruffles on your ones.

Polka dots are my favourite so I love the material.

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