Thursday, September 20, 2012


Well Colin and Sarah have had their home less than a week, and already they have been busy renovating.  In the past week, they have completely painted the inside of their new home, and have put in new carpet.  Tomorrow they will look at blinds and curtains, and maybe some security screens.
This weekend should see them move in completely.

See the changes they have made this week.  The photos aren't the best, but there is a before an after...

The changes a coat of paint and some new carpet makes. 
Main Bedroom
Baby's Room.

Looking forward to seeing them settled, and seeing what other changes they will make to help make this house a home....

One more day at work before the Spring Holidays.... So looking froward to a couple of weeks off, although it won't really be a holiday.  We are heading down to visit the kids and fulfill the list of jobs they have for us to do...  

We do hope to do a bit of visiting and some sightseeing.  In particular, we want to go and see this.  
Lights Festival
These following photos are courtesy of good friend Peter Wright.  Looking forward to going in and seeing it for ourselves...

I reckon you would get a good birds eye view from up here. 
 Sarah and Colin are living very close to here now, so wouldn't mind going and having a visit here also as it is free. 

Daisy Hill Conservation Park
Our adorable cuddly Koala. 

So cute and cuddly
Hoping to go here for a visit too....

 I remember visiting here several years ago in spring and the gardens were in full bloom.  Think it might be a nice place to wander around with a camera in hand. 
Map of the Parklands..

 Busy weekend ahead, so probably won't get a chance now to update until we get away next week...


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