Sunday, September 23, 2012


Sarah and Colin got a sharp reality shock yesterday in the costs of owning pets.
Poor Penny got really sick,  vomiting, breathing difficulties and paralysis, so it was a trip to the vet...(just what you need when you have bought a new house).

Poor Penny was a very sick puppy,  had a paralysis tick behind her ear, so had to be treated for this and then sent to doggie hospital for an overnight visit.... Not cheap at all. 

Here she is with her Mumma.....

Her leg all bandaged from where her drip went in... Poor baby...
Sarah got to pick her up this morning.  She is heading home to her new house today.... Just hoping that it wasn't her new house that she got the tick from.... It is a lot closer to the bush than her old house...

She is a very special puppy and now a very EXPENSIVE one as well...

Nice to see an update of Sarah's belly too....

Only a few more days now until we get to go down and spend some time with them...


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