Monday, September 24, 2012


On Saturday night we were invited to the engagement party of my good friend Jannett's daughter Kym and her fiance Doug.

It was a lovely evening, mostly their family, with a couple of close school friends, and a few close friends of Kym's parents.

Thought I would share a few photos of the night. 

Some of the lovely table decorations.

Kym and Doug - The Happy Couple.
The Speeches  -  two very close knit families.   So lovely to see.
Cutting the Cake
Some of the friends and guests.
Kym with her girlfriends.  All great friends from school. 

Jannett with her good friends....
Present unwrapping -  Her most favourite present...
More present unwrapping...
Family photos with both sides of the family....
 It was a great night.... both Doug and Kym are a lovely lovely couple.  The only blot on the evening was that this was the first Humble family celebration that both Kym's brother and sister were not able to attend.  Both Lana and Carl are in Canada at the moment, and you could tell they were greatly missed. 

First day of holidays today.... I have been busy making some cards... Will share that next post...


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