Monday, December 31, 2012


I can't really say that I will be sad to see the end of 2012... It's been a tough year.... filled with much loss, grief and sadness.....
It has also held some very special moments too.
It allowed us all to have very special time with my Mum before she passed away
It saw the birth of our first grand daughter..
It saw us trusting God more.....
but I can also say I will be pleased to see the year end and a new year begin....
I am praying that this new year will be full of peace, and deep seated joy....
that it will hold more happiness for us all
and that it will hold good health for family and friends....

I have been following this blog here  .... and this week I read her article about "Seven ways to simplify your life".  so I have decided to take her words and adapt them slightly to fit in with  how I want to see the new year. 
I think along with working on my health and general fitness this year, I want to find ways to simplify our lives.... 

These seven points struck a cord with my own heart.....

1. Expect that it will take time. I like routine and am a bit on the side of wanting everything perect..... Life is a journey, and in the journey things change. If everything was exactly the way we wanted it today then we'd have no goals to strive for. So we need to expect that change will take time. And with that we need tenacity and persistence. Keep going, keep going, keep going. Often we want to quit too soon and don't realize the strength we have within.

I need to expect the change I want to see in our lives will take time, and that God will teach me and grow me through the changes....

2. Don't expect perfection. Remember? Me the perfectionist who doesn't want to be such a perfectionist? Just as it takes time, it also isn't perfect. Right now my bedroom has piles of washing in baskets on the floor, the curtains didn't get washed this Christmas.  The house didn't get the normal big spring clean before Christmas  Normally this is the time of year  that I clean up and reclaim my home from all the build up from a busy year. This year it just didn't happen.. And I have to recognize that even though it's not perfect, it's still good. My family was here, there's laughter throughout, and we were blessed with many new things. All good. Perspective.

3. Let stuff go. See how they all relate? This year I've  really  had to let the mess go. I could push myself, but I'll end up exhausted and grumpy  and that doesn't benefit anybody. So I'm choosing to let it go. It's the same strategy with things - let them go. We don't need everything, and in fact, too many things creates this inevitable chaos in our lives as we strive to manage it all. Let stuff go. We don't take any of it with us when we die - so lets not live clinging to it all so tightly. The lesson today for me is as I find homes for new things, let other things go.

4. Involve your family. Teach your children now the value in setting goals, and always trying but not needing everything perfect, and that letting go of things is truly a good thing. In fact,  I love that my kids have already learnt this lesson better than I have and that they are being a good example in getting rid of the things that clutter up their lives.  Holding on consumes your time in looking after it all, and maintaining it all.  Think I still need to work with my spouse on this one.

5. Give yourself grace. You will mess up. It's inevitable. No matter how hard I try, or how perfect my color-coded chart of goals is, or how determined I am to make this plan work or the kitchen stay clean or to not raise my voice there are still times where I mess up. Give yourself grace. Remember - you are not your emotion. You may be feeling frustrated, irritation, and overwhelm, but you? you are simply not the emotion. Emotions are there to teach us to change or that something isn't working. Often overwhelm is a simple signal that the current strategy isn't working. Step back, breathe, recognize that you are more than overwhelm, and replace that emotion with something more empowering. And give yourself grace. Constantly be on the lookout to give and to receive grace.

6. Make some target goals. This is similar to the one word that people choose for the new year. Set some simple target goals - I will wake up at this time, I will fit in some exercise each day even if it is only a walk around the block, I will shut the computer off at this time - and then work hard to stick with them. Notice the word - some. So often I end up writing a list of a zillion target goals and find myself overwhelmed by day two morning. Write your list of goals, and then pick three. Work the three that will make the biggest difference and leave the rest till those original three become a habit.

7. Start fresh every morning. Finally, remember to start new every morning. If yesterday was awful it doesn't need to define today. When family in the home create chaos, mess, challenges - expect that - but don't lose sight of all the good they create - laughter, joy, eyes to see beauty, and love of the little things. Bless your family with each day starting fresh - everyone gets a clean slate. The past is the past. Learn from it, grow from it, but do not let it define your today. Today is a new day - a gift - use it wisely and remember to cherish the little moments of joy that are tucked within the fabric of normal.
I wanted to record this tonight.....
I want to look back within the next twelve months to use this as a measure to see how far I have come in making some much needed changes in my life for this next year....

I don't want to constantly feel sadness in my life in 2013
I want to find the joy in life again...
I want to focus on those things I am grateful for.
I want to focus on all the blessings in my life
I want to focus on God's goodness to me...
And most I all I want to work on my health this year...
I want to get fitter....
Feel better,,,,
I want to appreciate life around me...
and Friends...

And above all I want to wish all our dear friends and family a very Happy New Year...
May you all experience God's peace and joy in your lifes....
May you all enjoy family and friends....
My you experience good health and happiness...
God Bless....


Beverley January 1, 2013 at 6:32 PM  

Ooops ... that was from me ... wasn't trying to be anonymous!

Beverley January 1, 2013 at 6:34 PM  

Arggh ... can't win tonight ... now my original comment has dissapeared! Anyway ... wishing you a blessed 2013 hope it's filled with many more good times.

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