Monday, June 8, 2015


As I said in the last post, we have had the girls home for a few days....
Sarah was looking forward to the break and Chloe was keen to have her spend some time with her, so Sarah ended up sleeping over at Chloe's for a couple of nights, whilst Willow had a sleepover at home here with us...

I think we all mutually benefited from it.  Sarah was happy to have a little girl time, and we were happy to have Willow to ourselves....    She tends to always want Sarah to do everything for her is Sarah is around so it was nice to have her want to spend time with us and do stuff with us...
We did all sorts of things together. from breakfast out,  painting, story reading,  playing on the iPad, watching movies, going to the playground, baking,  (playing with her dollies,  playing Click Clop with Poppy and wearing him out.  We went shopping together... It was just a really couple of special days....

Having a picnic dinner with her toys
Ice cream treat with Moppy
Yum Yum so good...
Rides out shopping...
Because she was a super good girl...
Even put the money in herself...
Grocery shopping with Moppy
with her own trolley...

She loves her babychino.... and we had a few little outing out together for this treat....

Out for coffee together...
Love these times out together...
Little Munchkin enjoying her babychino
Such a big girl now...
I think one of the things I enjoyed most about her visit this time, was watching her play.. She has the most wonderful imagination, and her vocab for a two year old is amazing....
I think some of my favourite sayings would be
"One more minute Moppy, one more minute"
"Are you sure Moppy"

"One, two, three, four.... Go Poppy Go..... Faster faster faster Poppy"

and there were so many more.... I really should written them down.... she has been hilarious..
She was so excited that I fixed her sheep and her baby,  both were starting to fall apart and I had to stitch them up again.  She was so excited and was showing everyone she met how Moppy had mixed her baby and sheepie...

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