Wednesday, November 3, 2021


 Today my good friend Vicki was coming across to the coast to catch up.  She is meeting us at lunch time for lunch at the Banana Bender's Pub so we had a bit of time this morning to check out some more Op Shops with the girls.  The girls love their Op Shopping.  I can take them or leave them, but I was also happy to tag along to do what they enjoyed doing...

Other than our wine and cheese each afternoon, we have tried to eat relatively healthy so our breakfast usually consisted of fresh fruit, yoghurt and paleo nuts and seeds.

Lots of lovely fresh fruit for breakfast

topped with yoghurt and paleo nuts and seeds

We were to meet Vicki around 11.30am at the Pub, so we figured that if we left home around 9am we would have a couple of hours to check out the rest of the Op Shops along Nicklin Way before having to drive out to Glenview to the Pub.

The first Op shop we checked out this morning was the Breast Cancer Funksy Op Shop.  I enjoyed visiting this one... It was large but set out beautifully inside.  In fact I had more fun photographing it than actually looking for bargains..

Some quirky decorations

This table was a blast from the past, as I remember our kitchen table growing up was the same as this one with the same horrible red laminate top.  This retro style is becoming quite popular again.
A lovely reading corner

They even had a second hand dress up corner which would have been great to rumble through if you had a dress up party coming up.  I must remember this for the future..

The girls both scored a bargain but I left empty handed.  I had my photographs as souvenirs of my visit to the shop.

The next stop was just a little further down the road at the Lifeline Superstore...  This was another huge Op shop but not as prettily set out as the Funksy one we had just left. 

Couldn't resist a photo of the Pup wearing a mask...
Maybe this puppy was a reminder for us all to wear a mask as he was at the front door as you entered the shop and it is still law in this area of Queensland to wear masks when indoors in public places...
Jannett was looking for some maroon long pants.... not quite what she had in mind..

I loved this yellow chair... no where to put it though...

Check out these cowgirl boots.  Have you ever seen a more pointier pair of boots.

Lots of stuffed toys...
I did end up getting a bargain here though.  We enjoy playing games and often play the game Articulate when we are with Dan's parents.  I have looked at buying it a couple of times now and it usually around the $30 to $35 mark so when I saw this game down to $4 I thought it was worth the investment.  It looked in pretty good condition but the sides were all taped up so I was hoping that it was all included.  Still I figured even if a few cards were missing it was worth at least $4.
You can imagine my surprise when I went to the checkout to pay for it and found out that all games had 50% off that day and I actually got the game for $2 instead.  I was even happier when I got out to the car and opened my box to find that it was all there and intact.. BARGAIN...

By the time we left here, it was time to head out to Glenview to meet up with Alan and Vicki as it was now close to 11am and we would have a good half hour drive to get out to the Pub..

Fortunately we arrived before Vicki as they had taken a wrong turn coming into town so we were able to pack and walk up to the pub.  The girls weren't that interested in looking around which was a little disappointing to me and were more interested in finding a table for us for lunch.  Maybe it was because they had never been there before and were worried that they wouldn't find a table even though I assured them we wouldn't have a problem.

I decided to wait downstairs for Vicki and also whilst I waited it gave me a bit of a chance to take a few photos...

Side view of the Banana Benders Pub..

One of the things I love out at this pub is the amazing bottle chandeliers and all the different and amazing light fittings throughout the whole building...  They are all amazing and some are very quirky...

Once Vicki arrived I showed her around downstairs before we headed up.  At least she was very happy to have a good look around and take it all in.  I guess different things interest different people and Vicki also being a little artistic could appreciate all the colour and sensual wonders of the place...

Love the milk crate lights also

More amazing lights....  There are definitely some creative people around,  not only those that design the lights and fittings etc, but also those that can put all of it together to create the wonderful eye candy...

We found the girls seated up stairs pouring over the menu when we arrived up there...  Jannet and I decided to share  the Aussie Grilled  Seafood Platter.  It looked a little too big for one person so we ordered it between us.  

Vicki went for the kebabs and Jenny had the wrap.  All the meals arrived in a timely manner and very good.  Jannett and I particularly enjoyed ours even the sweet potato chips which were very crunchy on the outside...

Jannett and I shared the Aussie Grilled Seafood Platter

Jenny's lunch

Vicki's lunch

We had a leisurely lunch with views over the main highway and spent time just chatting and catching up.  Jannett and Vicki had known each other from when Vicki lived in Rocky, but they hadn't seen each other for many years so they enjoyed the catch up especially hearing about each others families...

After lunch we did go for a bit of a walk around and I was able to show them the music mezzanine floors where the music and cartoon were all displayed.  Both Jannett and Jenny were not interested in going up to where all the cartoons were on the wall as there was a birthday party up there.  Even though I assured them that the party wasn't the only guests up there and you were able to go up and check it out.

Vicki and I weren't missing out on going up and checking it all out... I guess I was a little disappointed that they weren't interested in checking out this amazing place more fully but then again I need to realize that we all have different interests.

More of the amazing lights throughout the complex..

The music area was something else and it really did grab all the girls attention...  I guess there were quite a few posters of bands that we enjoyed in our youth displayed on the walls. 

I love checking out this wall and trying to work out who the Celebrities are.  Vicki and I were pretty good at guessing who they were..  They obviously keep adding to these.  It is a pretty cool way to spend an hour or so...  See if you can work out who they are???

Vicki and I took one last look around the bottom level of the pub before heading off to look for the other pair.  They had already left the pub and headed down to check out the other shops...

We ended up finding the girls down at the ice cream shop.  They had ordered dessert, so Vicki and I also ordered an ice cream each.  The ice cream from this shop is really good.  Steve and I had indulged in some back in February when we were here..
Super yummy ice cream...

Vicki was spending the afternoon with us and as she was pretty familiar with the Op Shops along Aerodrome Road, she was the navigator for Jenny.  We checked out another two or three shops before heading back home...

She's found a mermaid tail...

We shopped until closing time, and by then I was all Op Shopped out...  No Op Shops tomorrow that is for sure..

By the time we got home it was happy hour, and Jannett broke out the Elderflower Spritz for our afternoon drink.  This is actually a very nice drink.  Vicki's husband Alan also joined us but he only wanted a cuppa as they had an hour and a half drive to get home after they left us...

Another day done and dusted on the coast.  The week has really gone way to fast.. We only have one full day left before the girls head home...


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