Thursday, December 9, 2021


 Poppy was going to be on babysitting duties whilst us girls manned a Christmas Pop Up Stall. 

The girls were setting up with one of Sarah's friend to hold a pop up stall, so that  they could sell their candles and Sarah's friend Tracey had ear rings to sell. 

Willow was coming with us girls for the day, as Tracey's daughter is one of Willow's friends from school...

Max was keen to have a special day with Poppy and when asked what he wanted to do, he wanted Poppy to take him to a Fun Zone place where they could play arcade games...

He was super excited about their day out...

They ended up down at Loganhome Hyperdome  and spent a good 2-3 hours down there...

Max is really into Basketball at the moment and is quite good at shooting hoops.    Steve is quite keen to encourage  him as he was always a basketball player as well as a basketball coach...

From basketball it was off to have a game of bowls.  He definitely preferred doing this to any of the shooting games.  He definitely had his favourites...

He managed to win a little prize and was very happy with himself..

He had Poppy hopped onto a racing game but unfortunately Max's controls wouldn't work properly so he became a little discouraged and ended up going back to his bowling...

Back to the bowling again... He had his favourites and then would alternate between them all..

He's pretty happy with himself
He did end up back at the cars, but individual ones this time, and he was so funny to watch as he got right into it... He was obviously having a great time...

Then he was back at the Basketball Hoop again shooting goals.  He likes to challenge Poppy even at home to shoot hoops and considering his age, he really is quite good.  Maybe he will become a basketball player yet..

Just one more go Poppy,  do we have to go..... Just one more go Poppy....

Pretty sure there were quite a few extra shoots rather than the just one, and then to finish off their time there, we just had to have one last bowl as well...

Someone is very happy with himself...

It really was a very special day according to Max.  These are the sorts of things that memories are made from.  It was great that Steve got to spend this one of one time with Max.  Over the years I have managed to do it, but Steve has often missed out because of work, and now that he has retired, Max is at school.  It is great to make the most of opportunities when they present themselves...


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