Saturday, December 18, 2021


 Heading back to Bundaberg today so that Steve can take his dad fishing for a few days before Christmas.  He hasn't been able to take him for the last three months and we are pretty busy over the next couple of months.  We can see that it is getting harder and harder to take him.  It is bearing him out more and more so there probably won't be too many more trips that he will be up for going..

The drive back up the highway was particularly pretty with the countryside lush green.  They have had so much rain down in the south east corner, I mean it has rained every day since we have been down here other than yesterday.

I decided to head back to Bundy for a few days myself also, as I wanted to finalize the arrangements for laying Mum and Dad's ashes to rest in the Bundaberg Cemetery.  We thought it was fitting to bring them back to where they had both lived most of their lives and where they served the community..  It also gave me a few days to enjoy my sister Jude's company...

Amazing countryside.... everything is so lush green.


We left the Sunshine Coast around 1pm and arrived back in Bundaberg around 4pm.  I was exhausted by the time we got there.  My back has been giving me real grief these past few days and sitting in the car for so many hours without a break hadn't helped.  I headed straight for the bed to try and lay horizontal for a bit to give it a break and meantime I fell asleep for a good hour or more.  I am sure I needed it as I hadn't slept particularly well the previous evening.  

Meanwhile, the garden at Steve's parents was pretty overgrown with the weeds having a field day with all the rain and they seriously needed some work.  Steve set about spraying them mush to the upset of the neighbour as it was a little windy.  He did try to make sure the nozzle of the spray was pretty direct and he did try and explain to the neighbour that whilst it wasn't ideal to spread, it was the only chance he had as he was only there overnight and his parents were beyond being able to do it for themselves. 

Once I woke from my rest, I enjoyed checking out Steve's Mum's garden.  She loves her garden and although it is now beyond her to manage it so well herself, she does have some beautiful plants and she loves to see it well maintained. 

I am spending the night with Steve at his parents but he plans to drop me off at my sister Jude's place tomorrow before he heads north to Turkey Beach.  Unfortunately his Dad still refuses to be driven up to Turkey and insists on driving himself.  We are not particularly happy about it but there is little we can do.


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