Tuesday, January 18, 2022


 It's been a big week of visitors.  Our good friends the Vanderduys came up from Brissie for a visit.  

We have been very good friends with these guys now for many many years, we first met them back in Rocky before they were married and then had a lot more to do with them when they were newly weds and Steve was a mentor teacher to Craig when he was at Uni studying to become a teacher.  

They spent a great deal of time with our kids and were wonderful mentors to them, and then when they had their children, our Chloe in particular took all of their children under her wing.  She still has a wonderful relationship with them to this very day.

They have served as Missionaries in Papua New Guinea for many years having only come back to Australia in the last three years...

They arrived just after 6.30pm on the Friday night and we spent a leisurely evening just chatting and catching up family wise on Friday evening...

On Saturday we enjoyed a late leisurely breakfast on our patio

Pancakes and fruit salad for breakfast...


The boys went for a walk down to the shopping centre in the morning whilst Sharon and I stayed at home.  In face it was a pretty chilled out weekend without us really leaving the house at all.  We had talked about eating out but at the end of the day, none of us wanted to run the risk of catching COVID and it seemed like every second person was coming down with it, so in the end, we decided to eat in and play games all weekend..

It was great for them to totally relax and unwind as life with four adult children living at home is hectic to say the least, so they were very happy to chill out....

We enjoyed playing boardgames...

They left on Sunday afternoon around 3pm.  It was so good to catch up with them.  We are hoping to head through to their place in the next week or two to visit them again.  We are really looking forward to finally moving down here because we know we will get to see them much more regularly as we are less than an hour away from them here...


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