Saturday, February 26, 2022


 A whole new ball game for us...

We have been trying to clean out our shed down on the coast for the last couple of years.  Mum and Dad have had so much stuff stored in there for more than 20 years and now of us wanted it.  More importantly, now of us had room for it so we needed to get rid of it....

Our girls suggested that we use Market Place on Facebook to try and off load some of the stuff.  nSo after showing us what to do, Steve and Sarah took a heap of photos of things out in the garage and we listed them on Market place.

The first thing to go what this Garden Arch.  In fact we could have sold it at least 9 or 10 times, as we had lots of interest in this.  I think Steve put about $15 on it, and the lady bought it within 5 minutes of it putting put on market place, and had it picked up within half an hour or us uploading it...

Our first item to sell on Market place went for $15..
Later that afternoon, we received a lovely text message from her, thanking up for her great outdoor arch and had set us this photo of it all made up and sitting out in her garden..  Her enthusiasm made our day...

 Our second item to sell was this old wooden walking stick for $10.

Our second item to sell...

 Once the lady came to pick this up, she was happy to go through our shed and ended up spending over $350 buying one of our lamps, quite a few of the rugs we had in the shed, a lampstand, and other bits and pieces that we hadn't even had time to list on the market place yet.  She did manage to get quite a few bargains, but at the end of the day, we let them go, as we really wanted them gone and our garage free of junk..

This table ended up going for $60 and the lady that bought it was absolutely wrapped.  She thought all her Christmas's had come at once.    I did find the whole getting rid of Mum and Dad's possessions quite confronting.  It was almost like I was erasing parts of my life.  Emotionally it was super hard.  On one hand, I knew all these things had to go.... we have no room for them in the house here and it is better that they go to someone else who will appreciate and love them, but it's the tail end of things I remember from my growing up years and things associated with both of my parents and it was hard...
Dad's old travelling bag...
This one hasn't gone yet.  We will retry and sell it next time we are down for some time....  It is almost a vintage piece now as it would be well over 40 years old.  Remarkedly, the zips all still work fine..
The wall units are still all sitting out there.  I'm pretty sure that these pieces of furniture are not really popular any more.  You don't see them in homes the same these days.  I thing these are going to end up having to go to the dump if we can't get the likes of  the second hand shops to cart them off...
I am surprised at the things that people buy.  The table below went for $60 even with broken legs, and this we could have sold seven times over...
We managed to sell the smaller round table for $40, even though it needed a new base. 
There are a few of these tables that need to go but no takers as yet.  I think we will have one last go at trying to get rid of it before ringing The Salvo's or Lifeline to come take them away...
Also found this book which was one our kids favourites when they were growing up.  Wonder if it is still sold...  Appartently you can still get this book but it is a much more updated edition...


We had two of these lamps and could have sold them many times overs.  The lady that bought the carved walking stick walked away with the first one and then the second one we sold through Market place.  I was surprised that these sold as they were terribly rusty and damaged.  Funny how one man's trash is another man's treasure.

Could have sold these at least 20 times...

It was terribly rusty...
Then there were lots of bits and pieces, lots of canvases waiting for someone to create something special on them...
An old wooden clock...
This old fashion answering machine was also very popular and it was in demand from several callers.  It was still in it's box with blank cassettes but have no idea whether it would work or not....
Then we had some sporting equipment to see, an old squash and tennis racket.  We still have no takers on them either, even though we only put $5 on them...
An old TV unit still needs to go... no takers for this one at all.
This coffee table could have gone a few times also.  We had sold on it twice but both times the buyer didn't turn up so it is still available...  I don't think the really wet weather has helped this week with folk not coming out to pick up items..
I am sure though we won't have two much trouble selling it down the track as it is sold timber...

We had a few folk express interest in these chairs also, but after letting them know that they were available, we didn't hear anymore from them.  Still again, I don't think we will have too much trouble getting rid of them.

Our last item to list on Market place is this German crafted Wall Clock.  We know that the mechanics are it are made by a reputable German clock maker, so am keen to do a  little more research before putting it up on the market...

And our last listing for the Market place was this Silver placemat set.  No takers on this one yet too. 

We worked out butts off getting ready for a garage sale for the Saturday.  We made signs and had them strapped to the gate and strung in the tree in the front yard.  We even set up one 100m down the road.  As this was the only advertising we didn't we didn't expect a huge response...

Within opening the gate we had our first taker walker into the yard 15 minutes later.  I was amazed at the stuff she bought.  To me it was all old junk but she spent almost $100 on mostly I would say junk.  Old retro glasses, old saucepans with flowers painted on the sides of them, old cassette cabinets, old fashion dip dishes, old smokey glasses and a myriad of other bits and pieces.

They we had the junk.  Chloe ended up taken these baking trays home as she wanted them to make her special italian biscotti biscuits.  You can't buy these trays anymore so she was ecstatic to find them in the shed...
There were that many old plates and glasses and the uglier they were the quicker they sold...
We have quite a few wall units we need to get rid off.  These pieces of furniture are not really popular these days.  Younger folk are just not interested in having these pieces of furniture in their homes.  I think we will have quite a bit of trouble getting rid of these.  They may end up at the dump yet...

It's been interesting unpacking it all.  A very sentimental journey bringing back lots of child hook memories.   At times I felt overwhelmed but I do know that it all needs to go..  I think it will be a lot easier getting rid of a lot of our gear at home than what it has been to do this.


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